MyVoice: Views of our readers 14th April 2024

MyVoice: Views of our readers 23rd July 2024

MyVoice: Views of our readers 23rd July 2024


The ongoing general elections in India will be remembered for gross mismatch between people's agenda and political parties’ agendas

Far removed from realities of times

The ongoing general elections in India will be remembered for gross mismatch between people's agenda and political parties’ agendas. The real issues of people and country are overwhelmed by the issues driven by various parties. The main rival groups are busy with their own agendas which are less to do with the pressing issues at hand. If the food and livelihood issues are first among the people's concern, they are not important to be in centre stage for any party in poll campaign. The inflation and unemployment are said to be making people worried about. But they got only lip service in various manifestos and speeches.

The ruling party is talking proudly about its achievements in temple construction and consecration, scrapping of article 370, CAA and boasting about plans for next 100 days or next twenty years after the elections, as if their winning is foregone conclusion. The opposition camp is also busy with personal attacks and guarantees for utopian world. In the haste for a few brownie points, sensitive issues like Katchatheevu islets, which should be discussed only in diplomatic channels, are being brought in to street talks. The social media is flooded with emotive issues. Now the civil society has major role to play in bringing back the real issues to the centre stage. Both camps should be made talking first their ideas, plans and strategies in addressing livelihood issues of people. The voice of the people should not be lost in the din of poll campaign.

– Dr DVG Sankara Rao, Vizianagaram

Smart strategies to beat the heat

As summer sets in, soaring temperatures pose significant challenges for outdoor workers, elevating the risk of dehydration, heatstroke, and heart issues. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), India is expected to face prolonged periods of intense heat this summer, particularly from April to June, as stated in the weather office's forecast. The onset of such intense heat brings along various health risks, including dehydration, sunburn, and heatstroke.

Navigating the summer heat while working can be demanding, with high temperatures and humidity increasing the risk of heat-related ailments like dehydration and heatstroke. It's vital to be well-prepared with essential items for both comfort and safety in such challenging conditions.

Dehydration presents a significant danger, leading to heat-related ailments when the body loses more fluids than it can replenish, disrupting its delicate balance.During the summer months, excessive sweating exacerbates the body's fluid loss, which is a natural response to regulate its temperature. This sweating causes not only water but also essential electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and chloride to be lost. Without adequate replenishment of these fluids and electrolytes, dehydration can rapidly occur, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and in severe cases, heatstroke.

To stay hydrated in the summer, it's important to prioritize hydration all day long. Start by drinking lots of water in the morning and keep up a steady intake of fluids, even if you don't feel thirsty. While water is the top choice, you can also opt for herbal teas, coconut water, or diluted fruit juices to keep hydrated. Including hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and strawberries in your diet boosts hydration and overall well-being in summer.

When engaging in outdoor activities, it's crucial to schedule wisely, opting for cooler times like early morning or late evening. Taking breaks in shaded areas, wearing breathable clothing, and using sunscreen all reduce fluid loss from sweating. Additionally, monitor alcohol and caffeine intake, balancing with water and electrolyte-rich foods to stay hydrated.

Recognizing dehydration signs such as thirst is crucial for prompt intervention. Mild dehydration can be reversed by increasing fluid intake, while severe cases may need medical attention. Prioritizing hydration and addressing dehydration risks during summer are vital for overall well-being, particularly in intense heat. Remember: stay hydrated, stay healthy.

– Dr Krishna Kumar Vepakomma, Hyderabad

Baba and his philosophy

Today, we celebrate the 134th birth anniversary of Baba Shaheb Ambedkar. It needs no saying about his invaluable services to a newly born country then and his vision in preparing our voluminous Constitution. He dreamt of ensuring freedom to all people in general and to the Dalits in particular. Jyothirao Phule used the term "Dalits" for the first time in 1880 for the untouchables in the sense of 'Divided' and 'Broken'. But at the hands of Ambedkar, the term acquired enormous meaning, power, and currency. It is a pity that our politicians of all 'hues" these days use both the words Ambedkar and Dalits for their political opportunism and aggrandizement. We all know that Ambedkar and his philosophy both have a relevance to our social and political systems as long as those systems remain static and biased towards the Dalits.

Again in his philosophy, nationalism, social justice, gender equality, and secularism are the innate ingredients of his philosophy and ideology. He dreamt of an India which is secularly founded on these elements. Alas, social justice, and gender equality are still a distant dream for millions of people. Again pseudo nationalists are a big threat to our secularism. Instead of offering fulsome encomiums to Baba and fighting for patent rights on his name, the governments and our leaders have to strive to realise his dream of India where "Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low--". Implementing his philosophy in letter and spirit and giving its benefits to the poor and the discriminated is the true tribute we could pay to one of the greatest minds and gifted sons of BHARATH MATHA.

– M Somasekhar Prasad, Hyderabad

TS must not opt for volunteer system

It is learnt that the present Congress government of Telangana is all set to introduce the volunteer system, akin to the present one in force in the other neighboring Telugu state of Andhra Pradesh.

The discriminating and enlightened intelligentsia are much agitated and restive over its adverse feedback on its working in AP. What is still more at odd is that it is peculiar to the state of AP alone as no other state or Union Territory in our country has such a cadre work force. While all the other state and UT administrations are working with its standard and accepted hierarchical cadres, where is the necessity for the introduction of an additional official bureaucratic tier set-up? Maintaining a whopping volunteer framework of say, 36,000 volunteers is yet another financial burden on the states treasury. The purpose for which the new cadre is stated as to publicize the Congress governments' flagship programmes and to deliver the social security pensions and other welfare benefits to the targeted beneficiaries is nothing but conferring a heavy lopsided advantage to the ruling party at an exorbitant social and financial expense of the opposition parties in a democratic set-up. This type of introduction of hierarchy, to put it in the least, is an anachronism in a democratically elected government. This whole anathematic concept needs to be shelved immediately once for all, if at all a democracy is to breath and survive in a polity like ours.

– Seshagiri Row Karry, Hyderabad

Empty promises

The united state of Andhra Pradesh was bifurcated in June 2014 after enacting the AP Reorganisation Act, 2014. While bifurcating the State a lot of promises were made to cool down the sentiments of the people of the residual state and to compensate the loss of the State in terms of revenue and development. When the discussion was on in the Parliament. Venkaiah Naidu said special status period should be at least 10 years.

After almost ten years, a review of the status makes us conclude that neither the one who assured is in a mood to give nor the one who was assured and at loss is in mood to demand. Till 2019 the party in the opposition in AP made a lot of noise in the State as well as in Delhi to get Special Category Status and other due benefits. After coming to power in 2019, people expected the government of YSRCP to prevail upon the Union government and get all its due benefits. But much to everyone’s surprise it maintained a deafening silence for whatever reasons. The party in the ruling up to 2019, TDP, said it was pursuing a special financial package for around Rs 1,75,000 lakh crore. It went ahead with the costliest project of creating a Singapore-like capital for the State, though it was neither required nor the State had enough resources to be so lavish. It could not even pursue the Union government to provide funds for the project of capital formation. While sitting in opposition people expected the TDP to take up the injustice being done by the Union government with all the seriousness it deserves. But again TDP also did not bother to deal with the Union government on the issue of apathy shown to the State of AP. In the process no one knows the day of the Polovaram Irrigation Project seeing the light of the day.

The State is badly in need of assistance from the Union government. In the absence of any special financial package or special incentives the State is not able to attract new investment and increased industrial activities. As a result, the unemployment in AP at around 13.4% is reaching its newer heights. Such a condition is landing the State to lingering around with unbearable debt. As per the CAG the debt in 2021 was Rs.3,73,140 lakh crores and now as informed by the Finance Minister it is Rs.4,36,522 lakh crores. Such maximum borrowing in the background of minimum development has its potential to land the State in further chaotic condition.

– A G Rajmohan, Anantapur

After 10 yrs, Modi vows to go after the corrupt

There is no end to the political rhetoric of Narendra Modi, who day in and day out continues to harp on Congress' corruption. Now Modi, already 10 years old as the PM of India, cannot boast of getting a single conviction against any of the opposition leaders in the country.

Ten years is a lengthy period and none stopped Modi & Co from properly prosecuting the corrupt opposition leaders.

Instead, a good number of political leaders in the opposition parties facing corruption charges have joined BJP and as a result are sitting pretty happily as there is no inquiry against them by the ED, CBI, IT, etc., departments. in fact there is a popular belief in India that any corrupt politician in the opposition's rank file need only to switch sides to BJP in order to get rid of the investigating agencies inquiring into his/her black deeds.

The example of Sujana Chowdhary and C M Ramesh of TDP joining BJP is a blatant misuse or abuse of power in this regard. As if this is not enough, the BJP in the name of electoral alliance is now in cahoots with TDP, the supremo of which (Nara Chandrababu Naidu) is facing serious corruption charges in five cases where chargesheets were also filed. Perhaps, Modi & Co feel that people of India are a heap of sheep who blindly follow the local leaders and are not at all bothered about who would rule them for the next five years. To a great extent even this is true as the voters are selling their votes to the highest 'bidders' and are falling prey to the freebies being offered at the expense of the exchequer relegating developmental activities to the back burner. Where jailing the corrupt politician is concerned, Modi & Co miserably failed and perhaps Modi has no right to tell the people that the corrupt would go to jail.

– Govardhana Myneedu, Vijayawada

BJP on a sustained campaign in South

After breaking ice in the north east, the BJP is stretching its arms towards south. The party's concerted efforts for its south entry needs to be appreciated.

In Tamil Nadu, an IPS cadre man has been given the job of party leadership to steer the party. Annamalai, party leader, is doing a commendable job in rejuvenating the party. He has travelled through the length and breadth of the state by conducting 'My state, my people' yatra successfully.

He talks to the people about the failures of the present incumbent DMK government. He talks also against corruption for he was an honest officer from Karnataka. He acts as an opposition leader now.

Corruption and Hindu baiting will facilitate the party to get a few seats. In Kerala, the BJP is crazy to open its account. It is to be seen on 4th June. In Telangana, its performance in the Assembly elections in 2023 improving its tally is quite encouraging for the party. In AP, the BJP party needs to do a lot of ground work. Along with Naidu, it may get a few seats.

-In Karnataka, the BJP is equally poised with the Congress. Modi's guarantees that the corrupt will be jailed in his third term may fetch the party some votes for in the south almost all the incumbent state governments are mostly corrupt.

So, the BJP is to open its gate way to south in this scenario. More cannot be expected. It has to wait for a little more time to make its dent in the south as it did in the north east. Bur surprises also cannot be ruled out.

– N R Ramachandran, Chennai

Right to health and climate change

The Supreme Court has expanded the scope of fundamental rights to include "the right to be free from adverse effects of climate change." The judgment highlights the responsibility of the state to mitigate climate change and ensure the full enjoyment of citizens' rights. By interpreting equality and life rights in the climate justice context, the court spurs action at policy and individual levels. Additionally, it prompts legislative action and government accountability. The mention of India's international commitments to greenhouse gas emissions reduction and the absence of comprehensive legislation on climate change underscores the need for urgent action by policymakers.

As the judiciary takes proactive steps to hold governments accountable for their actions, or lack thereof, in addressing climate change, this decision aligns with a global trend of courts worldwide holding governments accountable for climate action, reaffirming the importance of climate justice on a global scale. This decision marks a significant stride in addressing climate change and safeguarding citizens' welfare.

– Vishal Mayur, Bengaluru

Cannot sleep over it

This has reference to two parts article "WHEN I'AM RESTED, I'M AT MY BEST" by Dr Mohan Kanda (THI April 4 and 11). He woke up the readers by describing sleeping stories very interestingly. He quoted two phrases from Shakespeare's Hamlet very relevantly and also sleeping positions of flora and fauna including Kumbhakarna, Rip Van Winkle, etc. are quite different. Closed and half open eye sleep, snoring sleep and many postures are there. Chandrababu Naidu works 18 hours a day. Eighteen hours sleep in a day is needed to new born babies for gaining strength .Tired persons sleep anywhere as adage goes "nidra sukham erugadu" (deep sleep knows no comfort). There are varieties of sleeping postures like fetal, log, soldier, starfish, etc. When all impending problems are hovering around, how can one get a sound sleep? Everyone knows that long and undisturbed sound sleep according to age is healthy. But not practicable.

– Dr NSR Murthy, Secunderabad


The article "When I'm rested, I'm at my best" by Dr Mohan Kanda rightly brings out the benefits of a short power nap during day time. A short nap of 10 to 30 minutes is known to improve one’s productivity and alertness, especially at work places. A mind which is rested is more thoughtful and is capable of taking better decisions. Dr Kanda also talks about the great scientist Edison, famous world leaders like Winston Churchill, John F Kennedy and the French Commander Napoleon Bonaparte, who were known to take power naps and that was the reason for their success, as otherwise they used to work for long hours. In a sleep deprived and Internet driven today's world, short power naps will certainly reduce the stress and help in clear thinking and better functioning of our minds. Just as a good night's restful sleep is essential for a great day at work, so also a power nap helps in refreshing us and improves our concentration. In fact, at all work places a short power nap time should be allotted to the employees so that they come back to work refreshed. For students preparing for exams, a short nap in the afternoon is extremely beneficial and helps them deal with exam stress. Sleep deprivation has consequences on our overall health and makes a person irritable.

– Parimala G Tadas, Hyderabad

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