CM Siddaramaiah gives deadline for disposal of applications received in Janata Darshan

CM Siddaramaiah gives deadline for disposal of applications received in Janata Darshan

3812 applications received in Chief Minister’s Janaspandana Programme

Bengaluru: The Janata Darshana program organized at CM Home Office Krishna to listen to people's problems has ended. As many as 3812 applications were received during Janaspandana conducted by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday. 2862 applications have already been registered in IPGRS application and 950 applications have been received by hand, directly. These applications will also be registered and will be sent to concerned officers for necessary action.

The applications were received by the CM Siddaramaiah all day, he did not even take a break like other officers did and has given a deadline for the disposal of all applications recieved.

On Monday, 3,812 applications have been received in Janata Darshan. People were still coming from all parts of the state. CM Siddaramaiah ordered that "All applications should be received and compensated immediately. All these applications should be settled within the next 15 days. He said that there should not be so many applications when the Janaspandana program is held again.

Siddaramaiah said that we will organize the Janaspandan program at least once in three months. Officials should respond to all grievances of the people. The answer should be given within a week. He said that appropriate action will be taken against officials who do not respond to people's problems.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that this is not Janatadarshan but Janaspandana. Speaking after receiving complaints from the public at CM Home Office Krishna, he said, Janata Darshan is different from Janaspandana. Many problems can be solved on the spot. Some problems cannot be solved immediately. He said that it should be solved by looking at the opportunity of the law. Officials should work to respond to people's problems. If the problem is not solved, it will continue to grow. Most of the issues are related to the revenue department. Many people have asked for a job. He said that he has suggested to give 4,000 tricycles to the disabled.

Especially Tahsildars and District Collectors should travel there. Should people come to me for PODI, Pahani, Khata? DCs should make a surprise visit to the Tehsildar office. SP should visit police stations. He said that the officials should respond to the problems of the people.

People don't need to spend and wander to Bangalore for minor problems. If people wander, it leads to corruption. Officials should respond to people's problems immediately. He said that if there is no legal form, make an endorsement and send it to the people. We are paid to do people's work. We all get salaries from people's tax money. Implicitly all authorities take it seriously. He warned the officials not to take things lightly.

We have taken female feticide cases seriously. Siddaramaiah said that I myself will hold a meeting of officials. He said that strict action will be taken against those involved in the case.

Denying the allegation that many ministers in the districts are not doing Janata Darshan, Siddaramaiah said that all the ministers are doing district Janata Darshan. But they still haven't given me the report. He asked, "Do you know which minister is not doing Janata Darshan?"

Siddaramaiah said that drought relief has not been released by the central government. There is no solution from the Centre. Who owns the NDRF money? It is ours. Why are you not paying our money? Four lakh crores of tax money is going from our state to the centre. But we are getting only Rs 50-60 thousand crores. He said that the Center is neglecting to give us our share of money.

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