Complaint lodged against TS Wakf Board Chairman

Complaint lodged against TS Wakf Board Chairman

Muslim advocates led by Telangana Advocates Forum president Mir Wajid Ali Khan on Tuesday lodged complaint at Mirchowk Police station against TS Wakf Board Chairman Md Saleem.

Mirchowk : Muslim advocates led by Telangana Advocates Forum president Mir Wajid Ali Khan on Tuesday lodged complaint at Mirchowk Police station against TS Wakf Board Chairman Md Saleem.

Following Md Saleem's alleged remarks against advocates from Muslim community over their lack of religious knowledge and basic tenets, they approached the police station to lodge the complaint. "The Chairman has passed comments that Muslim advocates do not even know the Kalma (declaration of faith).

The utterances of Saleem are not only uncalled for but also unwarranted. We request you to initiate appropriate action against him for hurting Muslims in general and Advocate fraternity in particular," the complaint said. Advocates Md Nizamuddin, Shaik Murtuza, Md Imtiyaz, S M Abdul Raheem Khan and others were present.

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