Seasonal diseases cause panic in Chittoor district

Health department staff educating people on controlling the mosquito larvae in a rural area

Health department staff educating people on controlling the mosquito larvae in a rural area


However, the numbers are said to be much higher as fever patients are going to private hospitals in Tirupati and Chennai for treatment

Tirupati: While the Covid cases witness a receding trend, now it is the turn of seasonal diseases which are causing concern in Chittoor district. Fever cases are increasing in the district almost on a regular basis. With the spread of vector borne diseases, people have been expressing fears and often worried about the type of fever until they undergo tests.

So far, 54 dengue cases were reported in Chittoor district while another 20 malaria cases are recorded as per the official statistics though the numbers are said to be on much higher side as several fever patients have been going to private hospitals in Tirupati or Chennai. The OP cases in both government and private hospitals were on the rise in recent times.

The fact that 2,309 samples were tested for dengue at government laboratories itself makes it clear that there is a rise in the number of fever cases though only 54 of them tested positive. Out of these, 18 cases were reported during the last six weeks only. However, much to the relief of everyone no dengue or malaria deaths were reported this year so far. The cases were said to be more in urban areas though exact break-up was not available. District Medical and Health department officials were saying that they have been taking all preventive steps to bring down the number of fever cases. District Malaria Officer (DMO) B Venugopal told The Hans India that they have been making intensified house-to-house campaign for dengue especially in urban areas with the active involvement of ANMs, paramedical supervisors and medical officers.

Observation of Friday as Dry day is being strictly followed everywhere. To avoid water stagnation in low-lying areas which causes mosquito breeding, works are being taken up under MGNREGA scheme and if that gets delayed, the health staff were asked to drop oil balls to arrest anopheles mosquito larvae.

The DMO said that using vector control and hygiene app, ANMs will send the photos and information to concerned ward/panchayat secretaries who in turn upload them in the app through a GPS system. The app is being strengthened further to address the problems of mosquito breeding centres. This will help in reducing the disease occurrence significantly, he opined.

He underlined that 'Friday Dry Day' is important in controlling both water and vector borne diseases. The Dengue MAC-ELISA test which can determine dengue fevers is now made available at all Area Hospitals which was available only in Tirupati in the past. Early confirmation of disease will help patients to take proper treatment which will help them in speedy recovery.

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