Tirupati: RUIA hospital to get rehabilitation centre

Special officer for welfare of differently-abled, transgender and senior citizens Dr M Gurumoorthy inspecting RUIA Hospital in Tirupati on Thursday

Special officer for welfare of differently-abled, transgender and senior citizens Dr M Gurumoorthy inspecting RUIA Hospital in Tirupati on Thursday 


Special officer for welfare of differently-abled, transgender and senior citizens Dr M Gurumoorthy has inspected RUIA Hospital on Thursday

Tirupati: Special officer for welfare of differently-abled, transgender and senior citizens Dr M Gurumoorthy has inspected RUIA Hospital on Thursday. He met Dr Bharathi Superintendent of RUIA Hospital and discussed various aspects of establishing separate rehabilitation centre for differently-abled and senior citizens.

He studied the feasibility of establishing rehabilitation centre along with Dr Bharathi and gathered information about their requirements and listened to their problems. Later Dr Gurumoorthy visited de-addiction centre at RUIA hospital. He enquired about the existing facilities and treatment protocols they were following. After discussing with the superintendent, doctors and faculty members, Dr Gurumoorthy came to know that they require daycare centre for patients, who are coming from four districts around Tirupati.

He assured the authorities that he will support them in every possible way to get the rehabilitation centre established with world-class treatment and inpatient facilities. He also discussed the proposal of establishing a separate physiotherapy centre with attachment to RUIA, so that maximum number of patients get better treatment.

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