Lalith wins Czech Open Rapid Chess Championship

Lalith wins Czech Open Rapid Chess Championship

Vijayawada: Chess Grand Master (GM) Lalith Babu who hails from Vijayawada won the Czech Open 2023-A-Pardubice Rapid Open Chess Championship by scoring...

Vijayawada: Chess Grand Master (GM) Lalith Babu who hails from Vijayawada won the Czech Open 2023-A-Pardubice Rapid Open Chess Championship by scoring eight points out of nine.

After the Dreamhack Rapid Open Chess tournament, this is the first title for Lalith Babu.

He also stood second place in the Classic event. The two-day Czech Open Rapid Chess Championship was held at Pardubice in the Czech Republic.

In the tournament, a total of 83 players including 10 GMs and 13 International Masters (IMs) took part from 16 countries across the world. GM MR Lalith Babu scored 8/9 and won the Czech Open G1 Rapid Open Chess Tournament – 2023.

He finished a full point ahead of the field. GM Lev Yanakelevich (Germany) and GM Iniyan P scored 7/9 and secured second and third places respectively. Both Lalith and Yankelevich remained undefeated and their penultimate round battle against each other ended in a draw. The Czech Open G1 Rapid Open Championship is Lalith’s first tournament triumph of the year. Lalith’s last tournament triumph was last year at Dreamhack Rapid Open – 2023.

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