Free vocational training for women

Free vocational training for women

Minaakshi Arts and Crafts Welfare Society is offering free beautician and tailoring courses to women. Society chairperson Minaakshi on Sunday said,

 Minaakshi Arts and Crafts Welfare Society chairperson Minaakshi releasing  a pamphlet of free beautician and tailoring courses for women in the city on Sunday

Minaakshi Arts and Crafts Welfare Society is offering free beautician and tailoring courses to women. Society chairperson Minaakshi on Sunday said,

Women in the age group of 18 to 35 are eligible to apply for the courses. The duration of the course is 30 days with flexible timings.

Certificates will be awarded to candidates after the successful completion of vocational courses. We will also provide placement assistance to women hailing from the economically backward class families.

For further details, interested women can contact the society on phone Nos 9966966926 and 9866482686.’’

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