L 7 movie team in city

L 7 movie team in city

Interacting with newsmen, producer Subba Reddy said that the film ‘L7’ is a comedy movie with mythology as background. He said that there is a notion in the society that there are seven persons in the world with same features and movie was made on that subject. 

Vijayawada: As part of the film promotion in the State, the ‘L7’ movie team interacted with the media at a hotel in the Old City on Saturday.

Producer O Subba Reddy, director Mukundh Pandey, hero Arun Adith, actress Manali Rathode and other members of the movie were present at the press meet.

Interacting with newsmen, producer Subba Reddy said that the film ‘L7’ is a comedy movie with mythology as background. He said that there is a notion in the society that there are seven persons in the world with same features and movie was made on that subject.

He said the picture is about how a person feels when he meets the person who looks like him. Subba Reddy said the movie is likely to be released by end of this month.

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