Sampoornesh Babu birthday today

Sampoornesh Babu birthday today

Sampoornesh Babu Birthday Today, The name Sampoornesh Babu is heard more often in the film circles these days. Who is this Sampoornesh Babu? let\'s get into the detail

The name Sampoornesh Babu is heard more often in the film circles these days. Who is this Sampoornesh Babu? let's get into the details..

After megastar, rebel star and power star...the era is now of the burning star or so it seems.

Wonder who we are we referring to? Well, it's none other than new actor on the block Sampoornesh Babu. His debut movie Hrudaya Kaleyam created a lot of hype much before its release. The amount of attention he's garnered on the social media hasn't gone unnoticed.

Sampoornesh fondly called as sampoo also enjoys a great fan following. The film Hrudaya kaleyam was released in april and was an sensational hit among the masses.

Today is the Burning Online star's birthday.. Hans India wishes him a very happy birthday.

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