Shocking Movie From Young Hero

Shocking Movie From Young Hero

Young hero Rahul Ravindran is currently very much busy with the works of his debut film as a director. After working for a longer time as a hero, the actor finally decided to test his directional skill now.

Young hero Rahul Ravindran is currently very much busy with the works of his debut film as a director. After working for a longer time as a hero, the actor finally decided to test his directional skill now.

The actor announced his directional debut long back but finally launched the film today morning. Sushanth will be playing the lead in the film.

The film has got a title now. Chi La Sow is the title for the film and it introduces a new heroine, Ruhani Sharma. The film is said to be having an interesting subject and the first look of the movie is completely different and indicates that the film surely has something in store for us.

Siruni Cine Corporation will bankroll the project. The regular shoot of the film will begin this year itself.

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