Indira Gandhi Anna Yojana it is

Indira Gandhi  Anna Yojana it is

Indira Gandhi Anna Yojana it is, Food Minister KV Thomas, National Food Security Act, Indira Gandhi. Even after the National Food Security Act has got the President’s assent, the Congress-led UPA government is contemplating naming the 'main scheme' under the Food Security Act after former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, according to a report in Mail Today.

UPA to rename Food Security scheme.

  • An Act can’t be given a name, but its scheme can be
  • Cong in no mood to let States take away the credit
  • Food Minister Thomas says basic work already done
  • It may be called Indira Amma Anna Yojana Scheme

Even after the National Food Security Act has got the President’s assent, the Congress-led UPA government is contemplating naming the 'main scheme' under the Food Security Act after former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, according to a report in Mail Today.

Food Minister KV Thomas told the paper that he had received the proposal to name the main scheme under the Food Act the Indira Amma Anna Yojana scheme. "I need to sit with the department concerned to finalise the issue. Basic consultations have already taken place," Thomas is reported to have said. The feeling within the government is that the ruling coalition should get the requisite mileage from the pro-people measure so that the State governments, especially those led by the Opposition parties, do not walk away with the credit. Under the prevalent rules, an Act cannot be given a name, but the same is not applicable in the case of a scheme, says the report.

Various State governments are already running similar schemes and some of them have a heavier subsidy element. For example, the Jayalalithaa government provides free foodgrains to families below the povertyline in Tamil Nadu. Besides this, BJP-ruled Chhattisgarh and BJD-ruled Orissa have their own laws to provide cheap food to the poor. The Centre is of the view that as a number of subsidy schemes are under operation, it must stamp the "main scheme" of the Food Act lest some regional party runs away with the credit or begins to rename the scheme after its own leaders.

Besides, it has also decided to coordinate the Food Security Act with the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. It has been decided that storage facilities for foodgrains would be made permissible under the MGNREGA. At present, the same does not come under the MGNREGA's charter.

This would allow greater storage facility and the creation of permanent assets for the implementation of the Food Act. The government is even planning to organise a joint press conference with Thomas and Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh in this regard, they said. The National Food Security Bill 2013, which was recently passed by Parliament, gives the right to subsidised foodgrains to 67 per cent of the country's 1.2 billion people.

Dynasty imprint on Cong govt’s pet schemes: Rajiv tops

Schemes named after Nehru:
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission: Launched in 2005 aims at providing electricity in rural areas
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana: Launched in 1989, it is aimed at self-employment programmes for those belonging to the BPL families in rural areas.
Schemes named after Indira Gandhi:
Indira Awaz Yojana: Launched as an independent scheme in 1996, it aims to provide housing to people living below poverty line in rural areas, particularly those belonging to the SCs, STs and freed bonded labourers.
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme: Launched in 2007 to provide social security to workers in the unorganized sector in a phased manner.
Schemes named after Rajiv Gandhi:
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana: Launched in 2005 aims at providing access to electricity to all rural household.
Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Seheme: Launched in 2006 aims at providing daycare services for the children in the age group of 0-6 years belonging to economically weaker families
Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana: Launche in 2008, its objective is to provide support to first generation entrepreneurs who have already successfully completed EDP/SDP/ ESDP or vocational training from ITIs through selected lead agencies
Rajiv Gandhi Rozgar Yojana: Employment to rural poor but not as a right under the MGNREGA. In all there are eight schemes of which six are started by the UPA government, four after rajiv’s name and one each for Nehru and Indira

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