Men can't buy appropriate gift

Men cant buy appropriate gift

Men Can’t Buy Appropriate Gift. 59% Of Men Find It Harder To Buy Gifts For Their Partners Compared To 46% Of Women

It’s official: 59% of Men find it harder to buy gifts for their partners compared to 46% of women.A poll by Titan Watches’ Giftology reveals how couples fare on gifting ahead of Valentine’s Day
The art of buying the perfect gift has been a practice for time immemorial and yet, when it comes to making the decision, it leaves a significant population of the Indian youth perplexed.

A recent Giftology poll conducted by Titan Watches’ shows that:
1.For 45% of Indians between the ages of 18-34, buying a gift for their partners (spouses, girlfriends and boyfriends) is challenging.
2.The 47% of young Indians, who believe that their partners buy them perfect gifts, shows that there’s still hope for the clueless.
3.59% of men find it exhausting to buy a gift for their partners; while for women the number stands at 46%
4.An incredible 73% of men and women say that their partners give them the best gifts among all.
What is Hyderabad saying?
1.54% of Hyderabad’s youth say they find it most difficult to buy their partners a gift for any occasion
2.34% of them also say it’s easiest to buy their partners a gift since they know the other well
However, 59% think their partners buy them the best gifts
Based on these findings by Titan Watches’ Giftology, Rajan Amba, Titan’s Global Marketing & Product Head says, “The study gives us a perspective on the complexities of actually buying the perfect gift for the occasion of Valentine’s Day.
People love receiving gifts but making the impeccable choice is a problem for a lot of people. Giftology – the art of gifting has been seen to get better with age. 73% of 35-44 year olds and 68% of people aged 55 and above have said they have received the best gifts from their spouses and partners.
Giftology is finding the perfect gift for your loved ones and this art is one that needs to be mastered by a significant number of people.”

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