In Harmony...

In Harmony...

Artist Sonaly Gandhi Lakhotia showcases the versatility of the contemporary women, which is immensely powered by independence and self-attained equilibrium through her works.

Artist Sonaly Gandhi Lakhotia showcases the versatility of the contemporary women, which is immensely powered by independence and self-attained equilibrium through her works.

“My paintings illustrate the kind of financial as well as emotional freedom exercised by women, in the present times. The modern day women have invented their own harmony.

In each of my works they are synchronised with themselves. They are independent and self sustained,” she shares.

Evidently her series on display is aptly titled ‘In Harmony. “My present series of works are connected to one another like a single string of beads.

Through consistent simplification of the form, I reached at a Universal, absolute figure that stands for and relates to all women regardless of their differences/peculiarities and diversities.

The women in my works surpass distinctions of all sorts and by doing so they unite and amalgamate all women as being ‘one’, similar/connected through a common soul.

It took me a while to develop this style. I took me two years to complete these paintings.” “It has been a very satisfying journey to prepare for this solo show and with every work I have felt myself maturing as an artist.

It was important to put my thoughts on the canvas in the most appropriate manner. Working on the large canvases has been an exciting experience as it required me to justify the space, balance the composition, maintain the color scheme and use subtle texture appropriately,” she adds.

The abstract element in the perfect geometrical forms like squares, rectangles, checks and even butterflies in her works are metaphors that she used to reflect women.

“Not only are they perfectly symmetrical; butterflies are vibrant, beautiful and delicate. Hence these forms have been used to cover the dignity of the female figures in my works, presenting here a metaphor for her flawlessness.”

This is just the beginning she says, “I would like to continue with the present series as I believe there is lots more to be done to justify this subject.”

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