Video: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said at the European Parliament, Brussels on International Yoga Day

Video: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said at the European Parliament, Brussels on International Yoga Day

In a moment of pride for Indians, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of The Art of Living inaugurated the International Day of Yoga Celebrations at the European Parliament, Brussels.

In a moment of pride for Indians, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of The Art of Living inaugurated the International Day of Yoga Celebrations at the European Parliament, Brussels. He interacted with parliament members in a Q&A session and through a guided meditation at the prestigious Yehudi Menuhin Hall.

Excerpts from the event:

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

I would like to thank UN for declaring last year June 21st, the longest day as World Yoga Day. Especially the PM of India who has made extra effort to bring Yoga to the mainstream population. I would also like to acknowledge the Yoga teachers and Yoga schools which have been striving so hard to make people understand the benefits of Yoga, Though Yoga was born in the Indian sub-continent, it belongs to the world.

Is yoga only a physical exercise? No! Yoga is bringing the rhythm in life. Yoga is feeling the connection with oneself. And with everyone around. Yoga is aspiring for the highest goal of the world as one family. And unity with the infinity. It brings harmony in one’s environment. A disease free body, it establishes a quiver free breath which is a sign of strength, confusion free mind, inhibition free intellect, trauma free memory and sorrow free soul.

So basically all that one aspires in life - to be happy, the path, the way is Yoga.

I’m so glad that today here in the European Parliament, the heart of Europe, where 48 countries sit and do their deliberations and lead their countries, they are taking up this beautiful mission of wellness and bringing happiness to people.

G.Van Orden , Member of the European Parliament for the East of England region for the Conservative Party.

I’ve known Sri Sri for a number of years and addressed a rally at the World Culture Festival attended
by people from all over the world . H is foundation has helped combat depression and violence, His legacy does not stop here.

His organization engages in disaster relief, through his courses from the Art of Living, and through his missions of peace to Pakistan, Iran, and to Iraq and other places. 2011, I understood the extent of his reach, and the power of his message when I attended the 'World Culture Festival' in Berlin.

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