Eli Thompson - Alabama's 'miracle baby' born without nose dies at 2

Eli Thompson - Alabamas miracle baby born without nose dies at 2

Eli was premature and did not have any nasal passages or sinus cavities when he was born on March 2015, and was given a tracheotomy at five days old.

In a rare incident, Eli Thompson, an Alabama boy was born in 2015 without a nose. Doctors have informed them that it is a rare condition and it is known as Arhinia.

Family members were happy when he was born but unfortunately, he died at his home on Saturday. Recently, Eli celebrated his second birthday a few days ago.

Eli was premature and did not have any nasal passages or sinus cavities when he was born on March 2015, and was given a tracheotomy at five days old.

Eli's father Jeremy Finch expressed his grief on the Facebook wall by writing a heartfelt message along with the link to an article about the boy’s death in AL.com.

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