If farmer lives, India prospers

If farmer lives, India prospers

The farmers are the backbone of the country, contributing a substantial share towards the GDP, yet their woes are limitless and to be attended by the Government The peasants hard work and investments made towards the cultivation never reap the requisite yield

The farmers are the backbone of the country, contributing a substantial share towards the GDP, yet their woes are limitless and to be attended by the Government. The peasant’s hard work and investments made towards the cultivation never reap the requisite yield.

The Farmers requires proper guidance to make use of the Government schemes like PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana) and guaranteed MSP (Minimum Support Price) to their crops, farmers across the country are rallying and submitting their legitimate demands to the State and Central government, the government should respect their demands and to find an amicable solution, if the distress situation of farming continues, the farmers may force to leave farming and to find any other survival method, already it’s started happening, citing occurrence of loss in the agriculture and other various reasons, farmers are moving towards the urban area to find a job, it’s time for the Government to act upon, a country cannot survive without farming.(Brinjal at 20 Paisa a KG : Maha Farmers destroys Plantation. THI 04 Dec.) - A Balamurugan, Nellore

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