Technical Fest, Technovation 2016 held at The NorthCap University

Technical Fest, Technovation 2016 held at The NorthCap University

The School of Engineering and Technology (SOET), The NorthCap University, Gurugram organized Technovation – The Annual Project Day,

The School of Engineering and Technology (SOET), The NorthCap University, Gurugram organized Technovation – The Annual Project Day, recently, to provide students a platform to showcase their innovative ideas in the form of projects. During the event, 61 students of BTech Final Year showcased their innovation through 25 major projects. The event was graced by the presence of eminent educationists including Prof. KL Chopra, former Director IIT Kharagpur; Prof. Kehar Singh, Hon. Distinguished Research Professor, NCU; Prof.

Karmeshu, Professor and Dean School of Computer and System Sciences, JNU; Prof. Ved Prakash Sandlas, Ex Chief Controller DRDO and Ex Director General, Amity Institute of Space Science and Technology (AISST) and Prof. PremVrat, Pro-Chancellor, NCU. The visitors were impressed by the passion of the students, the quality of the engineering ideas and the socially-relevant major projects displayed. They appreciated the level of projects and talent of the students at NCU. They also provided some suggestions for improvement in terms of funding few projects, providing extra credits to students involved in such hardware related projects and encouragement for scalability, saleability and indigenization of parts. Technovation’16 would form the basis for the Best B Tech project awards at NCU which will be declared during June 2016.

On this occasion Prof. Ravindra Ojha, Director, SOET said, “Technovation has given a large cross-section of faculty and students an opportunity to convert their conceptual thoughts into reality. It attempts to raise technical excellence, is application oriented and brings the industry closer to academics.”

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