Tuition fee for professional courses to go up

Tuition fee for professional courses to go up

Starting from the next academic year, students, who intend to pursue professional courses, will have to shell out more money towards the college fee. The Telangana State Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (AFRC) has proposed to increase fee for the professional courses being offered by private unaided colleges in the State. In this regard, the AFRC Chairman Justice P Swaroop Reddy. a retired Judge High Court,

  • TS Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee holds its first meeting S Hike will be based on expenditure being incurred by each college management
  • The AFRC will verify audited reports to be submitted by the colleges to determine expenses by each college

Hyderabad: Starting from the next academic year, students, who intend to pursue professional courses, will have to shell out more money towards the college fee. The Telangana State Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (AFRC) has proposed to increase fee for the professional courses being offered by private unaided colleges in the State. In this regard, the AFRC Chairman Justice P Swaroop Reddy. a retired Judge High Court, convened a first meeting with members of the Committee at AFRC office here on Friday.

The Committee would review and determine the fee structure for BTech, BE, ME, MTech, M Arch, B-Planning, M-Planning, B-Pharmacy, M-Pharmacy, Pharma-D, Pharma-D (PB), MBBS, MBA, MCA, BEd and Language Pandit Training (Telugu, Hindi and Urdu) courses for the block period 2016-17 to 2018-19.

A notification to this effect will released by the Committee on or before Monday (November 22). The fee is likely to be hiked basing on the expenditure being incurred by colleges. The college managements have to submit the relevant data relating to year 2014-15 together with their audited financial statements for the years 2013-14 and 2014-15.

The colleges will be given one month for submitting the documents and entire process of fixation of fee will be completed by May-end. “The fee structure of a college is fixed based on the expenditure being incurred by the management. The committee will not fix minimum and maximum fee for the colleges. If colleges have any grievances over the fee fixation, managements can approach the Committee again,” said Swaroop Reddy after holding meeting with the members.

When asked whether the hike in fee would burden government due to fee reimbursement, Reddy said the committee would only go by the norms and fix the fee.

The AFRC has decided to act tough on the college if they are found to collect fee more than what is fixed. The Committee also decided to cross-check the documents provided by the colleges.

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