‘Blue Mile’ 10k Run on Mar 3

‘Blue Mile’ 10k Run on Mar 3

Blue Mile, a 10k run with a slogan to provide clean water to all would be organized by GHMC, Jalamandali and Water Aid on March 3 The run would start from Peoples Plaza at 5 am on March 3 As part of the programme, 25k and 5k runs would also be held People who want to participate can register their names on the website wwwwateraidindiainbluemile, organizers stated in a press note

Necklace Road: ‘Blue Mile’, a 10k run with a slogan to provide clean water to all would be organized by GHMC, Jalamandali and Water Aid on March 3. The run would start from People’s Plaza at 5 am on March 3. As part of the programme, 2.5k and 5k runs would also be held. People who want to participate can register their names on the website www.wateraidindia.in/bluemile, organizers stated in a press note.

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