Niti Aayog report Shows Kerala Is The Best Performing State In Terms Of Health

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  • Kerala has been at the top of the achievement rankings for the fourth time in a row.
  • Uttar Pradesh has been listed as the worst-performing state.

According to the Niti Aayog's Health Index report for 2019-2020, Kerala has indeed been placed as the top state in general health metrics within larger states, whereas Uttar Pradesh has been listed as the worst-performing state. Uttar Pradesh remains at the bottom of the list, it outperformed other states in terms of progressive progress during 2018-19 and 2019-20. Kerala has been at the top of the achievement rankings for the fourth time in a row.

According to the report, the Health Index Round for 2019-20 does not represent the influence of COVID-19 on wellbeing or any of the other metrics because the Index Performance refers to Base Year (2018-19) and Reference Year (2019-20).
Tamil Nadu and Telangana were placed second and third highest performing states, accordingly, in the fourth Health Index report. Bihar and Madhya Pradesh ranked second and third, respectively, in terms of health indicators. Both in respect of overall and incremental performance, Rajasthan was the worst performer. Telangana is also fared well both in terms of overall and incremental performance, finishing third in both cases.
According to the report, Mizoram ranked first in both general and incremental efficiency across smaller states. While inregards of total performance, Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir were among the worst UTs, but they outperformed other UTs in terms of incremental performance.
In conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Niti Aayog report was released.
The government think-health tank's index is a weighted composite score based on 24 factors that encompass essential aspects of health performance. The health index is made up of metrics from three domains: health outcomes, governance and information, and critical inputs and processes.
The World Bank provided technical assistance to the report, which was created in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
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