A welcome suggestion

A welcome suggestion

The concept of linking Aadhaar to the sale of liquor is a welcome move and should be welcomed by all. The government should consider such a suggestion as the linking of Aadhaar card with liquor sales will help in having a foolproof data of the persons consuming liquor.

The concept of linking Aadhaar to the sale of liquor is a welcome move and should be welcomed by all. The government should consider such a suggestion as the linking of Aadhaar card with liquor sales will help in having a foolproof data of the persons consuming liquor. More than that, it will help in bringing total transparency in the sale of liquor. As of now, many wine shops do not give bills and guzzlers don't demand. This helps the dealers in evading GST which results in loss to the exchequer.

Sarvesh Reddy,

Businessman, Adilabad

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