Water Board removes illegal sewerage connection

Water Board removes illegal sewerage connection

Hyderabad Water Board on Saturday removed the sewerage connection of a restaurant located at Mehdipatnam that was illegally established without any permission from the Water Board.

Hyderabad: Hyderabad Water Board on Saturday removed the sewerage connection of a restaurant located at Mehdipatnam that was illegally established without any permission from the Water Board.

According to officials, the owners of under the jurisdiction of Water Board O&M Division-3, took a 250 mm dia sewerage pipeline connection without permission. In addition, due to the excessive sewage coming from that restaurant, the sewage often overflowed on the main road. .

Ashok Reddy , Managing Director, HMWSSB appealed to the consumers to regularise their illegal drain and sewerage connections. It was also reiterated that the managers of hospitals, hotels, bakeries, malls, and other commercial and multi-storey building complexes should definitely set up silt chambers.

Criminal cases will be registered if anyone illegally takes drinking water taps and sewerage pipeline connections without permission from the water board officials. If anyone identifies illegal taps and sewerage connections can inform the water board vigilance team on 9989998100 and 9989987135.

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