DCB Bank revises MCLR on various tenors

DCB Bank revises MCLR on various tenors

DCB Bank revises MCLR on various tenors


The private sector lender DCB Bank on Friday announced a revision to its Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) across tenors.

The private sector lender DCB Bank on Friday announced a revision to its Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) across tenors.

Overnight and one-month MCLRs have been revised to 8.13 per cent while the three-month MCLR has been revised to 8.83 per cent. The bank has revised its six months MCLR to 9.03 per cent and one-year MCLR stands at 9.08 per cent.

DCB Bank, a new generation private sector bank with 367 branches as of December 2021 across India revises its MCLR rates on a monthly basis and benchmark its interest rates for a home loan and other loans to MCLR rates of different tenors.

DCB Bank Limited is a new generation private sector bank with 367 branches (as of December 2021) across India. It is a scheduled commercial bank regulated by the Reserve Bank of India. The Bank's business segments are Retail, Micro-SME, SME, mid-Corporate, Agriculture, Commodities, Government, Public Sector, Indian Banks, Cooperative Banks and Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC). DCB Bank has more than one million customers.

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