Christmas in India is much more than religious festivity

Christmas in India is much more than religious festivity

Christmas celebrations are in full swing across the globe. The choice of December 25 to celebrate the birth of Jesus has both religious and historical significance.

Christmas in India is much more than religious festivity

Christmascelebrations are in full swing across the globe. The choice of December 25 to celebrate the birth of Jesus has both religious and historical significance. These celebrations hon-oured the winter solstice, symbolising the return of light and hope—an apt metaphor for the birth of Christ.

Carol singing, dazzling Christmas lights and decked-up Christ-mas trees entice folks to join the celebrations on December 25. Many parts of India have come alive with the festive spirit of Christmas. Churches in different parts are being decorated. Over a time, traditions such as gift-giving, feasts, and decorating trees merged with Christian beliefs. It is a blend of religious obser-vances with cultural festivities.

It is also a day when some great leaders were born in India that is Bharat. This day is remembered for remembered for various reasons. It happens to be the birth anniversary of Madan Mohan Malaviya, Ganganath Jha, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, and Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

The former Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s birthday gained importance as it is celebrated as “Good Governance Day.”

A veteran Parliamentarian whose career stretches over four dec-ades, As India’s Foreign Minister, Chairperson of various im-portant Standing Committees of Parliament and Leader of Oppo-sition, he has been an active participant in the shaping of India’s post-Independence domestic and foreign policy.

His first brush with nationalist politics was in his student days when he joined the Quit India Movement of 1942 which hastened the end of British colonial rule. He developed keen interest in foreign affairs - an interest he has nourished over the years and put to skillful use while representing India at various multilateral and bilateral fora.

He had unparallel sense of humour and a deep smooth voice but always believed in hitting the nail straight. He was the best orator whom the entire world used to listen to with rapt attention. Once in Lok Sabha he said,“I don’t mean to be rude, but let me make it very straight to all ladies and gentlemen available in this room: I am the Prime Minister of India not because of the Congress but rather DESPITE it !!!!”

Despite his wide knowledge and being a composer and writer, he used to spend hours in the Central Library of Parliament referring to various books and note down points like a student before eve-ry debate or discussion in which he had to participate and used to tear into the government when in opposition and vice versa.

Similarly, we had other great leaders like Madan Mohan Malavia (25 December 1861 – 12 November 1946), who was not only a great freedom fighter, politician, and educationist, but also a great social reformer.

Ganganath Jha (25 December 1872 – 9 November 1941), was a great scholar of the Sanskrit language.Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari (25 December 1880 – 10 May 1936) was a renowned physician, and a well-known nationalist Muslim leader.

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (10 December 1878 – 25 December 1972), the pinnacle of Indian politics, also known as Rajaji. He was an advocate, writer, politician, and philosopher. He was the second Governor-General of independent India and the first Indi-an Governor-General.

While celebrating Christmas with joy, we also need to remember the great souls of India and know more and more about them. They should be source of inspiration for the younger generation to make India as Shresth Bharat and Vikasit Bharat.

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