Men look into Small Details in Relationship; few can be Deal-brakers

Men look into Small Details in Relationship; few can be Deal-brakers

Men look into Small Details in Relationship; few can be Deal-brakers


We often think that most men are not much keen over details when it comes to relationship, but the reality is, they tend to notice the little things, it can be what kind of cereal you prefer and the way your voice goes up an octave when you get into an argument.

We often think that most men are not much keen over details when it comes to relationship, but the reality is, they tend to notice the little things, it can be what kind of cereal you prefer and the way your voice goes up an octave when you get into an argument.

Few men have revealed some of the little things which can take a relationship from a rolling boil to lukewarm in matter of ten seconds flat.

1. She talked rudely to food service staff

One of the men has revealed that, the women he was dating was really very cool girl, except that, when she would go out for dinner near his apartment, she would be rude to the waitresses. When his girlfriend went to the bathroom, this guy would apologize for her behavior and sometimes, he would slip some extra bucks on the table.

It was not long before he ended things. If we do not have respect for the people who tend to work on their feet all day, then he stated, that girl cannot be his girlfriend anymore. This guy previously worked as a bartender, so he knew, how it is. (keith, 31 years)

2. She is a picky eater

This guy went on a date at his favorite sushi restaurant and the woman he was with, literally spit on a roll into her napkin. If you are going to be the girl who pick things out of her entrée or rolls her eyes, if I suggest anything more exotic than Italian, it is not going to work. The dressing on the side" girls are also not adventurous in bed, in my experience. ( will, 33 years).

3. She is sexually manipulative

I was dating a woman, she use to withhold sex, claiming it was due to her religion. Then if she wanted something, she would be all over me. Now I am not afraid to say, that sex is definitely non-negotiable part of a relationship (hany-29 years).

4. She want kids

I know that my plans for the future is, not to have kids of my own. I have purposefully avoided dating beautiful women whom I knew were very much interested in me because I knew that they wanted to have children with me. Most women will not change their minds on this and neither will I (Robert, 40).

5. She is a therapy junkie

There is one sentence which I never wish to hear from someone whom I am dating, we must go to couple's therapy. If it not working, just move on (Ben, 28 years).

6. She has got an abrasive laugh

I once went on a date with this woman and when she laughed, it sounded like a donkey braying, it was very loud and grating and just plain obnoxious. I figured that if we dated, I would constantly be looking around, feeling like people were staring at us, so I just never called her again (max,26 years).

7. She is way too young

Yes, the sex might be great, but who cares, if you cannot even have a conversation.

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