Congress still awaits Karnataka PCC president's appointment

Congress still awaits Karnataka PCC presidents appointment

Bengaluru, The Congress is still awaiting the appointment of Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) President, said a party leader on Friday. ...

Bengaluru, The Congress is still awaiting the appointment of Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) President, said a party leader on Friday.

"Still no announcement has been made. We are also waiting. It is in Sonia Gandhi's hands, the development has to happen in Delhi," Congress legislative council member Prakash Rathod told IANS.

Former KPCC President Dinesh Gundu Rao resigned from the post taking moral responsibility for the debacle Congress suffered in the recent by-elections.

"We have to organise the party at the district level, block level and booth level. And the differences in every district have to be sorted out. The failures of the government have to be highlighted," said Rathod.

He said the party has a lot of work to do in the form to exposing BJP and its schemes such as the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC) among others.

Though senior Congress leader D.K. Shivakumar's name is circulating to succeed Rao as the KPCC president, Rathod said the decision has to be taken in Delhi.

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