Sankranti curbs: No kite-flying on roads, no DJ music playing in city

Sankranti curbs: No kite-flying on roads, no DJ music playing in city

No loud speaker or public address system to be used between 10 pm and 6 am from Jan 13-15

Hyderabad: In an order to maintain safety during the Sankranti festival, city police issued orders banning kite-flying on thoroughfares and use of loudspeakers from January 13 to 15.

The orders were issued by City Police Commissioner CV Anand on Thursday, in exercise of powers under Section 22 (1), (2) and (3) of Hyderabad City Police Act, 1348 Dasli no IX. Kite-flying on all thoroughfares is prohibited, in the interest of maintenance of public order. In order to maintain law & order, peace and tranquility and to prevent incidents of breach of peace and accidents that are likely to occur unless kite-flying is regulated during Sankranti Festival.

No loud speakers / DJ shall be placed or played in a public place, without the required permission from concerned police authorities as per Rule 8 of Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000; no provocative speeches/songs shall be played over them. The noise levels from speakers or public address system or any other activities should not exceed the permissible limits, including industrial area 75 dB(A) in day time and 70 dB(A) in night, commercial area (65-55), residential area (55-45) and silent zone (50-40).

No loud speaker or a public address system is to be used between 10 pm and 6 am, as per the directions of the Supreme Court.

The Commissioner advised parents and citizens of city to guide and supervise their children, not to fly kites from terraces without parapet walls, to avoid any accident/untoward incident. Anand advised the parents to suggest to their children not to run on roads or vulnerable places while flying kites or trying to collect stray kites. Children should be made aware of their vulnerability as regards to electrocution, if they try to collect stray kites from electric poles. He said that the advice and suggestions are in the interest of safety and security of children and to avoid accidents.

The Commissioner informed that any person violating the orders shall be liable for prosecution under the Hyderabad City Police Act and Environment (Protection) Act, and other relevant laws.

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