Change in society will take time: Collector

Change in society will take time: Collector

Change in society will not come overnight and we all should strive to achieve it by hard work, without hypocrisy and without having double standards in our minds.” said District Collector Kartikeya Mishra. 

Kakinada: “Change in society will not come overnight and we all should strive to achieve it by hard work, without hypocrisy and without having double standards in our minds.” said District Collector Kartikeya Mishra.

He participated as the chief guest to deliver his speech on ‘Internet of Things (IoT) and Human Resource Skills,’ a seminar organised by Wipro. Mishra shared his experiences and his feelings with the JNTU students as a bureaucrat. Speaking on the occasion, Mishra said, “We all want a utopian society but at the same time we cannot do the necessary hard work or cannot follow discipline to make it real.”

He further said that this society yearns and expects the students who come out with a degree with the necessary skills and ability. He completed his computer engineering in the famous BITS PILANI, Rajasthan. He further informed them that after engineering, he completed his MBA at IIM Ahmadabad. He briefed the students that the Civil Service career had an ocean of opportunities to serve the public.

While answering to the question of the engineering students that what was the most difficult challenge he ever faced as a bureaucrat, Mishra said that incident of Chaparai death in the agency was the difficult challenge that stirred him the most, he added.

He also explained that after the incident, he personally took the challenge and provided tap water and other infrastructure amenities such as roads and internet facilities. Later, Wipro representatives Sekhar and Rajeev Ranjan gave a PowerPoint presentation on IoT. JNTU Rector Purnanandam, Registrar Subba Rao and others participated.

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