SRPS opposes Rayala Telangana proposal


SRPS Opposes Rayala Telangana Proposal, Proposal for Rayala Telangana. Rayalaseema Vimochana Samithi president MV Ramana Reddy and others demand fair deal to the region

Rayalaseema Vimochana Samithi president MV Ramana Reddy and others demand fair deal to the region

Tirupati: The proposal for Rayala Telangana, which was being propagated by some clever Rayalaseema politicians, was opposed by the speakers at a meeting held under the aegis of Samajika Rayalaseema Praja Samithi (SRPS).

They called upon the people and leaders from the region to wake up from slumber and launch a united struggle to preserve the geographical, cultural and historical unity of the Rayalaseema. The leaders should demand the Centre for a fair deal if the birfurcation is imminent, or else the people would be affected forever.

Stating that the region was let down by the coastal Andhra leaders twice i.e; in 1953 when Andhra State was carved out from Tamil Nadu and again in 1956 when Andhra Pradesh was formed, merging Telangana, they cautioned the people against the coastal Andhra leaders trying again to betray the Rayalaseema people, now in the name of Samaikyandhra.

The leaders, including Rayalaseema Vimochana Samithi president MV Ramana Reddy, Rayalaseema Adhyayana Samstha president Bhuman Subramanya Reddy and SRPS chairman Anna Ramachandraiah felt that the time was running out with the Centre moving fast for the division of the State and the only option for Rayalaseema people now was to act on their own, without relying on coastal Andhra leaders, to exert pressure on the Centre to ensure a fair deal for the backward region. B Dasratharami Reddy, Arun and others openly accused Chief Miniser N Kiran Kumar Reddy of not espousing the cause of Rayalaseema and said that he did not even mention about the problems being faced by the region before the GoM.

Interestingly, most of the leaders lambasted the coastal Andhra leaders, sparing Telangana people and cautioned Rayalaseema people against the moves of coastal leaders trying again to betray Rayalaseema. The meet resolved to intensify the movement to build up a mass movement and also the efforts to press the leaders to take up the cause of Rayalaseema.

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