Failure never discourage and failed never destroys the meaning

Failure never discourage and failed never destroys the meaning

The corporate people must understand the basic survival instinct of every life form that failures never discourage and failed never destroys the meaning and purpose of life and living.

The corporate people must understand the basic survival instinct of every life form that failures never discourage and failed never destroys the meaning and purpose of life and living.

Look at the life of different predatory animals. One out of several attempts and effort only helps them to hunt prey. Even when they succeeded in the hunt, there is no surety that other bigger predators won’t snatch the prey from them. Because of repeated failures, none of the predators have turned to vegetarian diet, quit hunting and become different. Similarly none of the prey animal even when they loose their young one or partner or the young one its parent to predation have ever decided to leave forest as it is not the right place to live.

Failure has not changed the instinct of predators and similarly the reparable loss suffered by different species of prey animals also has not changed or weakened the instinct of prey animals.

In the journey of life, only success and survival have acted as fuel and every failure got repaired or with limitations, the journey continues and that is the law of life. The above law the corporate must understand not philosophically but must be understood practically and pragmatically. Success does give failures and failures do give success even when efforts are either not sufficient or fully sufficient. It is always difficult to define when the effort is sufficient and when it is insufficient. Instead of intellectualizing the answer, one must take the end point or the result, that is the accomplishment and that alone defines the effort.

All animals in the jungle seem to follow only such law of life. They admit the truth that every effort may not yield result but every effort must be put in towards the result. The survival lies between the thin line of failure and success. Therefore all animals even when fails never grieve at failure.

It is not about the efforts, less or more effort, failure or success, how meaningful we are in our effort and how we link the success with our existence alone is important. When such internalization and integration happens, it is not the expectation but reward alone drives the life.

The tyranny of most employees in corporate is not due to their lack of performance or failures, but most of them have not identified and linked their life with the cause but instead they remain duty bound or workaholic. Bind to the cause, covert all your duties as cause driven and only then you could experience pleasure and joy both from your intention to put effort, from your effort and from your success.

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