Humanity would not progress if we had not taken such leaps into the unknown: PM

Humanity would not progress if we had not taken such leaps into the unknown: PM

Mangalyaan, India\'s maiden Mars mission, successfully entered the planet\'s orbit on Wednesday, in a historic moment for India\'s space programme. \"History has been created,\" said Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who watched the spacecraft successfully enter the Mars orbit on Wednesday morning.

Mangalyaan, India's maiden Mars mission, successfully entered the planet's orbit on Wednesday, in a historic moment for India's space programme. "History has been created," said Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who watched the spacecraft successfully enter the Mars orbit on Wednesday morning.

ISRO scientists and engineers watch Prime Minister Narendra Modi on screens after India's Mars orbiter successfully entered at their Spacecraft Control Centre

Mangalyaan Tweets Howdy As NASA's Curiosity Says Namaste on Twitter

"Howdy @MarsCuriosity ? Keep in touch. I'll be around". This and a few other tweets announced the "Mars arrival" of India's Mangalyaan, and its new Twitter account.

NASA's mission Curiosity was the first to tweet to the account with a greeting, "Namaste, @MarsOrbiter! Congratulations to @ISRO and India's first interplanetary mission upon achieving Mars orbit."

NASA's 2014 Mars mission Maven also congratulated ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation).

The account @MarsOrbiter debuted just as Mangalyaan successfully entered the planet's orbit this morning. Within two hours, the account had 22,000 followers and was rising rapidly.

Its first few tweets had a humorous twist, "What is red, is a planet and is the focus of my orbit?" - re-tweeted 6,000 times - and "I'll be back after breakfast. Good ol' sunlight. It's good for your battery."

The tweets and the exchange between three missions delighted @MarsOrbiter's growing legion of followers. "Brilliant! @MarsOrbiter interacting with @MarsCuriosity. That's the beauty of @twitter," said one post.

On Twitter, Mangalyaan is a top trending topic in India and worldwide after creating history by entering the orbit of Mars on its first attempt. The top nine trending topics in India are all about the Mars mission.

Many tweets were posted from the account of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is one of India's most twitter-savvy politicians and who watched the space milestone from the ISRO centre in Bengaluru.

With a spacecraft around Mars, India today joined a small group of nations - the United States, Russia and Europe - who have succeeded in their Mars missions.

App to help you click selfie with Mangalyaan

 Neeraj Jewalkar Hyderabad based Neeraj Jewalkar of Smartur has developed a mobile application (app) built on augmented reality that allows users of Android phone users and iOS mobile devices to click a selfie with Indian spaceship Mangalyaan that entered the Martian orbit on Wednesday.

The application was created to spread awareness about the mission and it offered a three dimensional view of the spacecraft and rocket launcher.

Jewalkar, CEO of, said, "This application would bring mission into your room. You can see Mangalyaan, its path and the various equipments it is carrying.”

Within a week of its launch, more than 1,200 people have downloaded this application. The Mangalyaan application is fast becoming popular among students as well.

“The app allows the participants to click and upload/share innovative pictures that can look like Mangalyaan is lifting off from their hands or out of their car or any other idea that comes to their mind,” he said.

“A participant would be required to download the app for free on their mobile device and take a print out of the 'Marker' (a marker is a design that helps the model the Mangalyaan to be placed in reality). The combination of the app and marker would give users an actual feel of being right there with the Mangalyaan,” Jewalkar added.

Facts about the mission
1. India is the first country in the world to successfully enter the Mars orbit, after the Soviet Union, United States and Europe.
2. India is the only country to have succeeded in its first attempt.
3. "The odds were stacked against us. Of the 51 missions, attempted across the world so far, a mere 21 had succeeded. But we have prevailed," said PM Modi.
4. Only NASA, the European Space Agency and the former USSR have been successful in their Mars missions. The first successful mission was by NASA's Mariner 9 in 1971. The most recent failure was that of the Chinese Yinghuo-1 in 2011.
5. PM Modi lauded the ISRO for joining an elite group of only three other agencies worldwide to have successfully reached Red Planet.
6. Mangalyaan, which is the size of a Tata Nano car, was launched in November 2013, aboard India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C25 rocket. The mission is meant to test India's ability to place a craft in Martian orbit and technologies required for a future interplanetary mission.
7. Mangalyaan is the cheapest inter-planetary mission ever to be undertaken anywhere in the world. At Rs 450 crore, it costs just about Rs 4 per person in India.
8. "Even Hollywood movies cost more," said Mr Modi, who had earlier referenced the mega-budget space film "Gravity" to demonstrate his point.
9. Mangalyaan will explore the surface of Mars, its morphology, mineralogy and its atmosphere. Five solar-powered instruments aboard Mangalyaan will gather data to help determine how Martian weather systems work and what happened to the water that is believed to have once existed on the planet in large quantities.
10. At its closest point, the orbiter will be 365 km from the planet's surface, and at its furthest - 80,000 km.
11. To compare, the darling of Martian dreamers - the American rover Curiosity which has been sitting on the surface of the Red Planet - cost over a whopping two billion dollars.

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