Problems galore at Mylaram railway station

Problems galore at Mylaram railway station

The Mylaram railway station, near Vikarabad, on Mumbai route is devoid of basic amenities like lights, drinking water, toilets, watchman, general railway police, CC cameras and other basic amenities.  

Mylaram: The Mylaram railway station, near Vikarabad, on Mumbai route is devoid of basic amenities like lights, drinking water, toilets, watchman, general railway police, CC cameras and other basic amenities.

The toilets and drinking water tap requires urgent repairs. Commuters allege that the lone ticket issuing person appointed on contract basis in 2000 is not coming on time to issue tickets as he is not able to get profit. He will leave the railway station once the train leaves the railway station. The station wears a ghost look and there is scope for crime to take place.

The height of the plat form is very low here. Only few passenger trains halt here. There were instances of children and aged persons tripping and falling down while boarding the train. There was no personnel to operate signaling system at the railway station. As there are no police personnel, the railway station became haunted place for anti-social elements.

Only when Railway GM inspects the station, the lower level officials give a fresh coat of paint to the walls and correct defects in the roof if any. It may be recalled that recently beautifician Jyoti died under mysterious circumstances at the railway station. According to locals, murders had taken place at the railway station in the past.

The poor from the surrounding areas go to Sankarpally, Vikarabad and Hyderabad for works, but there are no amenities at the railway station. Railway officials who boast of their annual budget or the Center should give an explanation on the sorry state of affairs at the railway station.

The local people said that it was high-time the center responded on resolving the problems at the railway station. They want the officials to ensure that drinking water, lighting, security are provided at the railway station besides getting the bushes cleared.

Several passenger trains and also superfast trains travel to destinations like Mumbai, Pune, Bijapur, Gulbarga, Tirupati use the route. But the problems at the railway station appear to be far from over.

BY Erranagu Mogulaiah

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