World Day for the End of Speciesism: Hyderabad marks End of Speciesism

World Day for the End of Speciesism: Hyderabad marks End of Speciesism

Cities all around the world, including Hyderabad, marked August 25 as World Day for the End of Speciesism, a day dedicated to the eradication of a form of injustice known as speciesism that victimises nonhuman animals

Banjara Hills: Cities all around the world, including Hyderabad, marked August 25 as ‘World Day for the End of Speciesism’, a day dedicated to the eradication of a form of injustice known as ‘speciesism’ that victimises non-human animals. Thousands of people came out to emphasise the awful situation of animals exploited by us for our selfish needs. In Hyderabad, a march near KBR Park was carried out in the evening by anti-speciesist volunteers from various walks of life including Sashi Kiran Tikka, the director of the recent hit ‘Goodachari’.

“Every sentient being has the right to live free on this planet. We have an ethical responsibility to not cause any avoidable suffering to animals, regardless of their species. This anti-speciesism, which is similar to anti-casteism and anti-sexism, is what we are advocating here. Basically, ‘equity to all’ is the motto”, said Sashi. The director added, “I was raised non-vegetarian, but in 2008 I turned vegetarian and a vegan in 2013.

I was enlightened by documentaries like 'Earthlings' and 'Cowspiracy' that brought out facts about cruelty, environmental damage and health issues caused by our animal-based choices. Being vegan means ensuring that animals are not harmed by our actions for any purpose. Animals want and deserve freedom and dignity just like us, so their use is nothing but exploitation." Dr S Vidya Sagar, a doctor who has been vegan for several years, said, “All major nutritional bodies state that, as a vegan, one can get all required nutrients including calcium and protein in adequate quantities to stay perfectly healthy.”

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