Regressive male mindset raping Indian culture

Regressive male mindset raping Indian culture

An open letter to the Indian males with regressive mindset: LEARN TO HONOR WOMEN

An open letter to the Indian males with regressive mindset: LEARN TO HONOR WOMEN

To The Indian males with regressive mindset

The hottest news report about the ‘boldly gallant’ Assam lady Bonti Chutia, who made a smashing entry to the headlines of all national dailies, the very next day, with her spanking kiss on the dimpled cheek of the Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, during his visit to the state on Wednesday, burnt to death by her husband, following an altercation over the entire episode, once again justifies the traditionally ‘regressive’ mindset of the Indian males towards the fairer sex – in a country where females are paralleled to ‘Devis’.

The chauvinist male society, which draws its fodder from the bigotry and virtues from the sexist outlook, is far from participating in the progression of evolution, for the good of all mankind and for some unpardonable reasons.

Although, every now and then the oppressed (read women) class arrives on the scene up in arms and at times dressed in ‘pink’ saris wielding ‘latthis’ to bestow justice on their troubled sisters, the instances are as rare as possibility of finding a hair strand on head of a wholly bald man – ‘Gulabi Gang’ type vigilante groups do make a mark, but more needs to be accomplished to make the mark deep-seated.

More crusaders fighting against women crime should disembark on the scene, and at the earliest. Or else, worshipping goddesses won’t bring any grandeur, especially in a country with a significantly high female infanticide rate.

Our society is abuzz with the likes of ‘pseudo-feminists’ for whom double-speak on the given topic serves the rationale for the reasons “well known to them.” You can’t be selective when doling out respect to the women around. If your eyes hold your mother, sister or your wife in high esteem, the girl living next door demands analogous gesture, from your side as well.

Then, there is a grouping which believes in transporting high moral grounds on their heads all the time, but don’t mind posting cheap comments on the social networking sites, about the leading ladies of the country - this is how ’double-speak’ materializes in today’s world and most of us don’t appear to notice it.

Our political leaders set the worst paradigms in this regard - Congress MP from Maharashtra Sanjay Nirupam accused the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Samriti Irani of entertaining

TV viewers with her ‘thumkas’ till some time back and currently playing on prime time TV news programmes as a political analyst of the highest repute in one television debate, and Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid referring cinestar Shabani Azmi as ““Nachne gane wali Tawaif (a nautch girl)” reiterates the whole issue literally well.

President Pranab Mukherjee’s ‘fully’ grown up son earned a tight rebuke from the side of fire spitting news anchor Arnab Goswami for his ‘dented – painted” women comment subsequent to women organizations were holding loud protests, following the Nirbhaya rape case incident , although, only former knows what he meant by the words in real.

Even in the world of news media, women appear to be pushed aside to corners, with insufficient representation to boast about. Most female editors are taken lightly by their counterparts, also their stories.

“Politics and business is not a cup of tea for female journalists!” said one senior male journalist to me once, after gulping down two to three vodaka shots in a party. And, surprisingly he had just shared his ‘intellectual’ views, when on dais, about women being given a fair representation in the profession where weightage and content of a story matters the most, not the sex of an editor or reporter.

Cinestar activist Aamir Khan comes up with the second edition of TV talk show Satyamev Jayate was set in motion with the perennial concern of rape, and indisposition of our society to co-operate with the victims of the trauma. It’s a different issue altogether whether his intrepid venture brings the right change in the parochial mindset of the regressive Indian males or would he be able to dish out some effective solutions to these long existing problems of our society? - At least hypocrites (including the writer) may be forced to learn the right way to behave with the most charming creation of God.

The level of discrimination can be judged by the fact that a small kid at school is taught to use the words ‘he/his/him’ in place where the sex of the ‘living subject’ is unknown. Though, some writers do use female version but they are frequently dubbed as feminists with pseudo credentials.

For instance

“It’s all about getting the right ‘man’ to do the job. ‘He’ should be taught what to do and when.”

‘Man’ could have been easily replaced with woman and ‘he’ with she.

It’s not only the males of the country who should be taken to task, even females such as Trinamool Congress Party chief Mamata Banerjee who felt the infamous ‘ Park Street’ rape case was a conspiracy drafted by the Communists to smear dirt on her ultra white sari, are there to be blamed for.

Most of the domestic violence incidents involving women in a joint family occur with active collusion of female members residing in the house.

In most places in India, it’s just impossible for a female to walk out all alone during late hours. Our public transport is full of lecherous males looking out for a moment to grope and jostle a female body.

A survey published in one of the leading daily a few years back revealed that girls find presence of aged-men in the Delhi parks more intimidating than young males, for the kind of lewd comments they have in offer for them.

Furthermore, sad but reality, women who are completely reliant on their husbands economically, bear the brunt of this injustice all the more. ‘Domestic violence’ shouldn’t only be defined in terms of physical assault, but also the ‘harsh words’ which can tear away the inherent confidence and self-belief of the woman should be incorporated in the basic definition too.

Normally, in cases of females who have been trained since birth by their mothers to don up a role of a homemaker in their husband’s home after marriage face such kind of onslaughts from their husbands all the more, who just treat them as a piece of flesh which only makes some purpose for them in bed at night. Rest, these women only counter spiteful remarks from the other side throughout the day.

Rapes inside marriage are another matter which demands thorough revamp in the law books.

Regrettably, even women activists find themselves standing on the wrong side of wall if they take up the cause of a victim, in many such cases.

An year and a half back, reporting for one such case from site, I was shocked to find the victim backtracking form her accusations earlier fired by her against her man saying “It’s for me and my husband to decide. We don’t want the whole matter to go public. Please go away.” The female activists were not only embarrassed but even taunted by the accompanying policemen of making mountain out of a molehill.

It’s astonishing to find that the problem of rapes, particularly, is not confined to a single state in the country and is fairly endemic. No matter if you talk about the most literate state or the backward one, such incidents are found in plenty in every month of a year.

And, adding to it, most of the rapes happening in the interiors of the country are not even getting reported in the police registers for different reasons. Similar is the case with domestic violence incidents, and those of eve teasing.

Those who shift blame towards increasing vulgarity in our cinema are not completely truthful, as it gives no male any right to even touch a girl against her consent let alone making forcible sexual relations with her, no matter the size of her clothes. At least, this doesn’t lie enshrined in our Constitution. I can’t find it anywhere – may be males with regressive mindsets can. Hope they read the real version soon!

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