Most searched for travel destination in India

Most searched for travel destination in India

Most Searched For Travel Destination In India. Macau 'Most Searched For Travel Destination' By Google India Users In 2013

Washington: In its year-end list charting which all travel destinations topped the search rank; Google Zeitgeist has revealed that Macau is the most looked up for place in India.
The list shows the rankings of topics with the largest total search volumes by country.
According to CNN, while Indians searched for Macau the most; Australians' top destination was Disneyland while New Zealand saw Australia as the top searched for travel destination.
The top ten most searched for travel destinations in India include:
1. Macau

2. Maldives

3. Mauritius

4. Bali

5. Boston

6. Dubai

7. Amsterdam

8. Singapore
9. Bangkok

10. Philippines

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