Hyderabad: Covid warriors push their limits to help recoveries

Covid warriors push their limits to help recoveries
Covid warriors push their limits to help recoveries

This is probably the first time that the Doctor’s Day is celebrated without much fanfare, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic

Hyderabad: This is probably the first time that the Doctor's Day is celebrated without much fanfare, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is also the first time that doctors have been working round the clock, many without a break for weeks as the number of cases is rising.

Doctors have been doing duty risking their lives. One of the noblest professions , Doctors Day is celebrated in India to honour the legendary physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy.

Dr Mahalaxmi, head of the department of Gynecology, Gandhi Hospital, said, "The team of 19 doctors and PG students has been working very hard and we feel good when it pays off. Each case is a challenge and every minute is important." There were over 80 Covid positive deliveries and all except one patient who lost life are safe, she said.

Even the common man is realising the work done by doctors. There have been incidents when relatives of patients have become violent but by and large the public understands the work by the medical fraternity, says Arvind P, a community medicine specialist.

Devika Nair, a nurse, said, "We assist doctors and learn so much with each passing day. We have seen miracles happening. There have been times when the relatives bring patients in critical condition but have seen them recover.

Doctors need all the appreciation." There are doctors who forgo their fee in several surgeries when they know that a patient cannot afford.

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