Things you can do right now, to improve your relationship!

Things you can do right now, to improve your relationship!

If you want to have a fabulous relationship quit looking for your partner to create it. Be the one to start making changes now! You deserve it! Here are some tried and true powerful tips to improve your relationship in a big way!

Write down your ideal relationship

Get out a piece of paper and pour your heart and soul into writing out the perfect relationship that you want. Write it out as if it is that way now in present form.

For example, if you don't have trust and you want it right…I am in a happy marriage filled with joy and trust. Write about different activities you do together, places you go and things you say.

Fill the new story you are creating with joy, love, laughter, passion, fun and any other energy you want to infuse it with. Fold up your new story and put it in your wallet or purse. Pull it out daily and read it.

Put on your partner's shoes

This sounds easier than it really is putting yourself in someone else's shoes. If a couple can remember this one powerful tip it really can help prevent getting into dangerous waters that can permanently damage a relationship.

When something comes up that upsets your partner really try and stop to think about how they must feel. Ask yourself this one question every time they get mad about something…How would I feel if I were in their shoes?

Often times the issue you are trying so hard to defend yourself against you will come up with the answer of …Yes, I would be upset too if I were in their shoes. This will help you stop and make changes on your side to compromise.

Flirt with your partner of course

Don't underestimate this step! When couples first meet this comes so natural. After a while, people usually stop flirting and start fighting.

If this is you, choose to change this now! Take the reins to start bringing excitement back into the relationship and watch your partner jump in and play along.

Pretend you are boyfriend and girlfriend just starting to date. Send random flirty text messages to them. Send them a "look" from across the room. Make them feel wanted and sexy. Start having fun again!

Pitch In

Help each other with chores and other necessary, if banal, activities—cooking, cleaning, re-organizing, etc. Not doing them if you live together can create tension, and always doing them can create unfair expectations. Act as a team of equals.

Stop Nagging

Take a step back and figure out the big things about your partner that truly bother you, and approach him/her from a place of concern and support, instead of nitpicking for sport. That'll get you nowhere.

Put Away Your Phones

One of the biggest relationship tips is to give your undivided attention when your partner is speaking. It's is one of the most important things you can do.

Volunteer Together

Giving back is a great way to keep perspective of how great your relationship is—and how lucky you both are.

Create a Checklist

Jot down new and fun things you want to accomplish for a day as a duo.

Talk to Couples Over 65 Years Old

Get relationship tips from them, and see what you can take away to apply to your relationship.

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