Party dresses out of fashion?

Party dresses out of fashion?

We tend to resort to party dresses much too often and these dresses have made reappearances time and again but new research reveals that it may have in fact had its day.

London: We tend to resort to party dresses much too often and these dresses have made reappearances time and again but new research reveals that it may have in fact had its day.
Young adult women prefer to wear a playsuit or skinny jeans on a night out or at a party over a dress, reveals new research, reports.
The research was conducted by after searches for dress-related discounts were on the decline.
The top two items that women between the ages of 18-30 were likely to wear on a night out or to a party are skinny jeans or a playsuit, with the dress taking third place in the list. The skirt followed at number four and rounding off the top five was the jumpsuit, a piece that's become a staple in many womens' wardrobes.
More than half of women admitted that they own fewer dresses than they did last year, preferring other styles and outfits now.
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